
from Virginia Digital Opportunity Plan

As established in Virginia’s Five-Year Plan under the BEAD program, Governor Youngkin’s vision prioritizes affordable, reliable, high-speed internet access, universally across the Commonwealth of Virginia. Universal broadband access remains paramount for full engagement in the increasingly digital society and ensuring Virginia is the best place to live, work, and raise a family. The Commonwealth’s dedicated efforts over the past several years have led to the broadband access for hundreds of thousands of homes, business, and community anchors, by supporting projects that cut the digital divide significantly, established a nationally recognized state broadband expansion program, and set Virginia on a path to be one of the first large states in the country to achieve universal broadband.  The digital divide, however, is not only comprised of access to this critical infrastructure, but also addressing gaps in broadband affordability and adoption.  

The vision to achieve universal broadband under the Digital Opportunity Program is to ensure that every Virginian has access to affordable, reliable, and high-speed internet service, as well as the opportunities necessary to fully participate in the economy and society. To achieve this goal, the Commonwealth will explore utilizing its forthcoming federal resources through the State Capacity Grant and BEAD programs to address identified needs in broadband affordability and adoption.  

To meaningfully advance both broadband affordability and adoption, all facets of state government must be considered. New programs, collaborations amongst state agencies, and innovative solutions will all be necessary to close these gaps in digital opportunity. Given the nature of the digital divide, these solutions and practices will look different under affordability and adoption. 

Affordability: State-level efforts to advance broadband affordability have been channeled to planning documents and participation in federal outreach grants to promote the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). Locally, more efforts are ongoing. As identified through stakeholder engagement through the development of this plan, a handful of local governments across the Commonwealth are establishing broadband affordability subsidy programs in addition to the $30/month ACP benefit to ensure affordability for all. Other local organizations are advancing affordability through promoting enrollment in ACP. As an avenue to address affordability, these local efforts may be considered on a statewide scale. 

Adoption: State level efforts to advance broadband adoption have been focused on incentivizing broadband adoption programs and partnerships as an activity of broadband deployment grants. Fortunately, the structure of state government, enabled by BEAD non-deployment, as well as DEA funds, along with cross-agency collaborations lends itself to advance broadband adoption across multiple need areas. For example, a collaboration between the Office of Broadband and a statewide agricultural outreach agency could enhance adoption of smart farming principles and best management practices utilizing connected technologies. Partnerships such as this will be critical to successfully addressing broadband adoption. 

While the funding provided by both the DEA through its capacity grant programs, as well as the non-deployment funding under the BEAD program is finite, the Office of Broadband is seeking to design programs that are sustainable in the long-term. In addition, the effectiveness of these to-be-established digital opportunity programs will provide a foundation for exploring future investment. 

By closing the digital divide, Virginians are empowered to connect, learn, work, and thrive in the digital age, regardless of where they live or their socio-economic status. Together, ensuring broadband affordability and full broadband adoption will make Virginia a Commonwealth of digital opportunity—one whose residents have affordable, reliable, and high-speed internet access, and the skills necessary to use it to its full potential.