New Jersey

From Connecting New Jersey—Draft New Jersey State Digital Equity Plan | See Benton summary

New Jersey's digital equity vision is for every resident to have the confidence and competence to harness the power of the internet, devices, and digitally accessible services. Digital equity can help New Jersey bridge economic and achievement disparities among all residents, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives with dignity. 

 In line with this vision, four overarching goals set forth the aspirations of the Digital Equity Plan:  

  1. Ensure access to affordable high-speed internet for every New Jerseyan both in their home and in their communities.
  2. Ensure that every New Jerseyan has the confidence and competence they need to use computers and the internet to achieve their goals. These goals may be related to accessing education; finding employment; building a business; obtaining healthcare; accessing government services; understanding and using online information; engaging civically; and maintaining cybersecurity.
  3. Ensure that every New Jerseyan has access to devices, software, assistive technologies, training, and technical support to achieve their well-being.
  4. Ensure that every New Jerseyan has efficient and effective digital experiences with state government to obtain information or services. 

 OBC presents a vision and goals that acknowledge the critical importance that access to the internet has for all residents in all facets, stations, and stages of life.