Applying These Principles

We envision two broad uses for these principles: 1) for state offices to devise digital equity plans, ensuring that they meet this moment of ambition and investment; and 2) for community advocates to draw on these principles as measures of the degree to which state officials are being accountable for the planning process and the outcomes of those plans.

  1. State Offices
    1. Develop genuine relationships with community advocates and community-based organizations to engage in a reflective dialogue to understand community concerns and needs.
    2. Review engagement activities and existing plans for areas of improvement and increased focus on issues raised by communities.
    3. Consider additional activities as inspired by examples, case studies, and calls to action.
    4. Meet with community groups to collectively review recommendations in these principles and prioritize actions that address the various concerns they raise.
    5. Practice transparency in both planning and execution.
  2. Community Advocates
    1. Identify who within the local community may currently be missing from organizing and coordinating activities.
    2. Present these principles to state-level and local offices and advocate that they utilize them in their planning processes.
    3. Use this report as a resource to assist in making strong arguments and applications grounded in research and supported by work happening in the broader community.
    4. Identify organizations in the community that are best suited to create and/or help grow a digital equity coalition.
    5. Draw inspiration from examples and case studies to encourage local application of larger lessons or local iterations of established models.
    6. Connect with national organizations and those from other communities to compare notes on activities, successes, struggles, and efforts to close the digital divide locally.