
From A Connected Florida: Access, Opportunity, Workforce, Prosperity, Resiliency  Florida’s Digital Adoption and Use Plan | See Benton summary

The Florida Office of Broadband envisions a future where every Floridian benefits from a connected economy through the meaningful use of high-speed Internet – to enhance educational and employment opportunities, access telehealth, and engage with families, and local communities. This plan identifies the available resources, existing needs, and implementation strategies that will help reduce the digital divide that exists between areas that are fully equipped to realize these benefits and those that are not.  

Reducing this divide will not be a one-size-fits-all approach. Florida’s geographic size and significant size of its covered populations mean that various methods, technologies, and configurations will need to be deployed to reduce the digital divide for all Floridians. Local community leaders and organizations who understand these unique needs are best equipped to help Florida realize its vision for digital adoption and use. With the help of the state’s LTPTs, CAIs, Florida’s federally recognized tribes, local governments, Internet and Broadband Service Providers, and others, the state can reduce the digital divide for all its citizens. The state will also place a heavy emphasis on the use of reliable, up-to-date, and detailed data to effectively allocate resources. Harnessing the power of collaborative partnerships and accurate data, the state can better address both the availability and reliability of broadband, as well as the need for digital devices and the skills required to meaningfully use those devices.  

The Florida Office of Broadband, located within the state of Florida’s Department of Commerce (“FloridaCommerce”), is the administering entity for the state’s broadband program, ensuring access, adoption and implementation for all populations within Florida. This Office, together with internal and external partners, will work to achieve the vision of widespread digital adoption and use so that every Floridian can access jobs and education; be more resilient in the face of economic challenges or environmental disasters; and enjoy better quality of life.