Network Neutrality


National Religious Broadcasters

Thu, 12/07/2017 - 15:00 to 18:00

National Religious Broadcasters will announce a new internet freedom initiative on Thursday, December 7, at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. The event will feature an address by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and a panel, “Internet Freedom: Rights and Responsibilities,” with leading voices on the subject, including Craig Strazzeri with PragerU, a victim of internet censorship; former FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell; and evangelical leader Ralph Reed.

Statement by Broadband for America Ahead of FCC Vote on Restoring Internet Freedom

America’s broadband providers are 100% committed to a free and open internet and have always practiced net neutrality regardless of government regulations or rules because that is what their customers demand.  Additionally, all of the major providers have announced clear and strong policies ensuring no blocking, no throttling, and no unfair discrimination against lawful traffic online. It’s good business, good practice, and what internet users expect.

The man who could doom net neutrality: Ajit Pai ignores outcry from all sides

 The main support for Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai has for the rollback comes from the handful of powerful broadband companies that stand to benefit, including Comcast and his former employer Verizon, who argue that the rules stand in the way of innovation. “He seems to be under the thrall of very powerful business interests in Washington to the extent that he is dismissive of all other arguments,” said Timothy Karr, campaign director at Free Press.

FCC Chairman Rushing to Crush Net Neutrality Complained in 2014 About Rushed Process to Enshrine It

Back in May 2014, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai (he was a lowly commissioner back then) complained that the FCC was moving too fast on net neutrality changes.  “Indeed, on several recent issues, many say that the Commission has spent too much time speaking at the American people and not enough time listening to them,” then-Commissioner Pai said in response to then-Chairman Tom Wheeler’s proposed open internet regulations, which at the time drew criticism from both Republicans and Democrats on the commission.

FCC Dismisses Appeal of FOIA Decision around Net Neutrality Proposal

On November 22, 2017, you [Jarrod Sharp] appealed the denial of your application for a fee waiver in connection with your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, FOIA Control No. 2018-067. By this letter, we dismiss your appeal. On October 26, 2017, you filed a FOIA request with the Commission, seeking 1) a copy of the “‘Restoring Internet Freedom’ plan,” 2) documents regarding the Commission’s release of the plan, and 3) documents discussing the Commission’s DDOS attack claims. This request was assigned FOIA Control No. 2018-067.

The FCC’s net neutrality plan may have even bigger ramifications in light of this obscure court case

The plan by the Federal Communications Commission to eliminate its network neutrality rules next week is expected to hand a major victory to Internet service providers. But any day now, a federal court is expected to weigh in on a case that could dramatically expand the scope of that deregulation — potentially giving the industry an even bigger win and leaving the government less prepared to handle net neutrality complaints in the future, consumer groups say. The case involves AT&T and one of the nation's top consumer protection agencies, the Federal Trade Commission.

Net neutrality protests start Dec 7—how to find one near you

Network neutrality supporters plan a nationwide series of protests starting Dec 7 outside Verizon stores, where they will express their opposition to the pending repeal of net neutrality rules.

You can find local protests by going to and searching by ZIP code.

Net neutrality supporters predict tough court battle over FCC's repeal plan

Network neutrality supporters are predicting that the Federal Communications Commission will have a hard time defending its decision to repeal its landmark rules in court.  “The draft order seems to say that the FCC is no longer interested in exercising its responsibilities as an expert agency,” said Jonathan Sallet, a former FCC general counsel under the Obama administration. “I do not believe a court of appeals will uphold this order,” he added.

Why the FCC's Free-Market Argument for Repealing Net Neutrality Doesn't Hold Up

In making the case that most Americans have multiple, competing broadband providers, the government acknowledges that up to 40 percent of them do not.

Chairman Pai Falsely Claims Killing Net Neutrality Will Help Sick and Disabled People

A popular claim by [telecom industry lobbyists, policy vessels, and loyal lawmakers] is that network neutrality rules are somehow preventing people who are sick or disabled from gaining access to essential medical services they need to survive. Despite the fact that the Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality rules clearly exempt medical services from the ban on uncompetitive paid prioritization, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has consistently tried to claim otherwise.