Wireless Carriers Make It Clear: You’re Going to Pay More For 5G

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With all of the hype surrounding fifth-generation (5G) wireless, there’s one subject wireless carriers haven’t talked as much about: how much this amazing new connectivity is going to cost you. But in more recent weeks cell providers have started to make it clear that whatever incredible advancements 5G brings—higher prices are going to be part of the equation. For example, Verizon recently stated it would be imposing a $10 monthly fee (on top of your existing charges) simply to connect to its shiny new 5G network. But after reviewers hammered Verizon for comically overstating 5G availability in these spotty early launches, Verizon backed away from imposing the surcharge for what it stated would be an “undetermined” period. AT&T also made it clear it has its eye on charging higher rates for users who take advantage of the faster speeds 5G offers.

Matt Wood, General Counsel of consumer group Free Press, said that additional fees for 5G usage “aren't necessarily a bad thing” in that, at least for now, you’ll only have to pay more money if you’re actually using 5G. “It's far better for the actual users of new technologies to pay for the cost of the upgrade than it is for the rest of the customer base to wind up subsidizing a technology they aren't using yet,” Wood noted. “And it's far worse when every customer is forced to move to the higher speed and higher price, even if a lot of people would prefer to keep a more affordable service with slightly slower speeds.” Carriers haven’t been clear about what kind of restrictions they intend to impose on 5G networks in post-net neutrality era. A lot of that will depend on whether 23 state attorneys general win their ongoing lawsuit against the Federal Communications Commission. 

Wireless Carriers Make It Clear: You’re Going to Pay More For 5G