Surviving the Challenge Process

With BEAD Initial Proposals submitted to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) for review, state broadband offices (SBOs) are turning their focus to the next step in unlocking IIJA broadband funds—the Challenge Process. On a recent Broadband Breakfast webinar, I had the chance to join other SBO leaders to discuss our states’ processes. The engaged audience made one thing very clear: The Challenge Process raises provider fears of overbuilding to new heights. States are committed to getting to the most accurate BEAD eligible location set to ensure public dollars are only spent on locations that lack qualified broadband service. Some providers are committed to the belief that SBOs are ignorant bureaucrats conspiring to kill their business. Fun times! Approaching the Challenge Process with a collaborative spirit versus an adversarial one can help make it less painful for both sides.

Surviving the Challenge Process