The Fifth FCC Commissioner

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Anna Gomez is the newest, and fifth, Commissioner at the Federal Communications Commission. This may allow the FCC to pursue a Democratic agenda to tackle various issues:

  • Restoring Title II Regulation: The FCC under Ajit Pai eliminated Title II regulation, which was the mechanism chosen to regulate broadband since there is no specific mandate to do so from Congress. Title II declares broadband to be a telecommunications service, meaning it can be regulated using the same authority used to regulate telephone and cellular services—the FCC.
  • Tackling Broadband Discrimination: Broadband providers have long been accused of redlining—of only building broadband infrastructure to selected neighborhoods. Earlier in 2023, the FCC opened a docket to investigate digital discrimination, and it seems likely that this topic will take on more importance with a fifth Commissioner.
  • Regulating Web Companies: In the last few years, the biggest web companies have seemingly gone off the deep end concerning mass misinformation and instituted policies that invite regulation. It’s probably within the FCC’s power to impose some regulations on the big platforms—or to at least try.
  • Media Cross-Ownership: The FCC under Ajit Pai largely eliminated rules against the cross-ownership of print media and broadcast outlets – bringing in an unprecedented consolidation of the way that Americans get local news. However, Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel has shown a desire to clamp down on the worst of these practices.

The Fifth FCC Commissioner