FCC Seeks Comment on Modifying the Calculation of Broadband Benchmarks

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB or Bureau)—in coordination with the Office of Economics and Analytics—seeks comment on modifying the calculation of the FCC's broadband reasonable comparability benchmarks for the Urban Rate Survey (URS or Survey). In particular, the Bureau seeks comment on methods for calculating benchmarks for a wider spectrum of service speeds as well as other proposed improvements. The FCC seeks comments on whether it should change how it calculates its broadband benchmarks using data collected through the URS. Unlike monthly fixed voice service rates, which are typically one rate for unlimited monthly service, broadband rates vary by broadband service characteristics, including download and upload speeds and usage allowance. The Bureau adopted the use of a weighted linear regression analysis to estimate the mean rate for a specific set of service characteristics plus the addition of two standard deviations to this mean to determine the benchmark. The FCC seeks comment on whether limiting itself to the use of weighted least squares regression may be hindering its ability to optimally set benchmarks. The FCC seeks comments on the use of additional non-linear statistical techniques for this analysis and whether other methodologies could provide more useful benchmarks. Interested parties may file comments on or before June 8, 2023 and replies on or before June 23, 2023.


Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Modifying the Calculation of Broadband Benchmarks