Listening Session on Digital Discrimination in New York City

Task Force to Prevent Digital Discrimination

Federal Communications Commission

Friday, September 29, 2023 - 1:00pm to 3:30pm
Time Zone: 
Live Event

A  listening session to gain additional information and understanding from affected communities, state, local, and Tribal governments, public interest advocates, and providers about challenges, barriers and experiences in ensuring all people of the United States benefit from equal access to broadband. The purpose of the listening session is to continue the Federal Communications Commission’s outreach in support of its ongoing efforts to promote equal access to broadband for everyone.

The program agenda will include presentations from the Task Force, local leaders, and stakeholders, and will include an opportunity for members of the public to share their broadband access experiences in furtherance of the FCC’s goals to create a framework for addressing digital discrimination.

The listening session will be recorded and archived on the FCC’s website.

Medgar Evers College
1638 Bedford Ave Academic Complex Building AB1, Edison O. Jackson Auditorium
Brooklyn , NY 11225