Wireless Telecommunications

Communication at a distance, especially the electronic transmission of signals via cell phones

First 100 Days: Building Our Connected Future

The first 100 days of a new Administration and new Congress are critical to charting a clear, bipartisan course for our nation’s policy agenda. From COVID relief to budget decisions, take bold and decisive action to finish the job of connecting every American home, business and anchor institution to U.S. broadband infrastructure. Particularly amid a global pandemic, the fact that an estimated 18 million American homes do not have broadband access is unacceptable.

President-Elect Biden’s Agenda on Technology and Innovation Policy

Technological innovation has long been and will continue to be critically important to per-capita income growth, economic competitiveness, and national security. So it is important to examine President-elect Joe Biden’s policy agenda through that lens. This report compiles information from the president-elect’s campaign website and policy documents, from the Democratic Party platform, and from media accounts of statements he has made.

T‑Mobile Expands Home Internet to More Than 130 Additional Cities & Towns

Recently, T-Mobile expanded the company’s home broadband pilot to more than 20 million households. Nov 9, T-Mobile is expanding Home Internet to more than 130 additional cities and towns across Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, West Virginia and Wisconsin. T-Mobile Home Internet is just $50/month all-in and features many of the same benefits that have made T-Mobile the fastest growing wireless provider for the past seven years.

Biden in Broadband Land

Broadband expansion is at the top of Biden’s telecom to-do list.

Private 5G Networks Are Bringing Bandwidth Where Carriers Aren’t

Players large and small are now building specially designed private 5G networks. In contrast with the 5G networks celebrated during the launch of the latest iPhone, these are intended as much for machines as people. Private networks are geographically constrained areas of coverage, intended to keep a local set of sensors, machines and computers in sync, and allow communications with the rest of the world as needed.

FCC Reaches $200 Million Settlement in Sprint Lifeline Investigation

The Federal Communications Commission announced that T-Mobile will pay a $200 million penalty to the US Treasury to resolve an investigation of its subsidiary Sprint’s compliance with the FCC’s rules regarding waste, fraud, and abuse in the Lifeline program for low-income consumers. The payment is the largest fixed-amount settlement the FCC has ever secured to resolve an investigation.


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Thu, 11/12/2020 - 19:00

Wireless technologies have become a fundamental part of our daily life in the 21st century. They give us the ability to make efficient use of our time, connect us any time and anywhere, and make our lives better in innumerable ways. In order to function, our wireless devices need to connect to cellular sites that provide good coverage both outdoors and indoors. To do that increasingly requires placement of sites closer to populated areas – creating new challenges for both providers and local governments.

NTIA Trusted Propagation Models Help Expand Commercial Wireless Services

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration's Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS), the nation’s spectrum and communications lab, released a new official code base for the Irregular Terrain Model (ITM) for use by experts and non-experts alike. ITM is the fifth propagation model code base that ITS has released on GitHub. In addition to the C++ propagation model source code, ITS published packages that target the .NET development environment. ITS also code signs its propagation software.

Dish Offers Its Services to Military’s Proposed 5G Network Project

The telecom industry turned out in force to oppose a recent Pentagon proposal to build a shared fifth-generation wireless network, with a familiar pot-stirrer making an exception: Dish Network. The satellite-TV company submitted a list of suggestions for the Department of Defense, which is exploring 5G technology for its own operations.

Senate Democrats call on power, water, telecom giants to halt all utility shutoffs

Top Senate Democrats are calling on electric, gas, water and telecommunications giants to voluntarily halt all utility shutoffs for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic. The request - sent in a letter to 21 of the largest utility companies including AT&T and Verizon - illustrates the country’s lingering economic needs even as Washington fails to coalesce around a new coronavirus relief package, which congressional Democrats say should include a disconnection ban and other aid to help fa