Washington Post

Worried that $2 trillion law wasn’t enough, President Trump and congressional leaders converge on need for new coronavirus economic package

Congressional leaders and the White House are converging on the need for a new assistance package to try to contain the coronavirus pandemic’s economic devastation, fearful that a $2 trillion bailout law enacted in March will have only a limited effect. Democratic Reps are eyeing a package of spending increases that would “easily” cost more than $1 trillion, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said.

Your Internet is working. Thank these Cold War-era pioneers who designed it to handle almost anything

Despite some problems, the Internet overall is handling unprecedented surges of demand as it keeps a fractured world connected at a time of global catastrophe. The Internet, born as a Pentagon project during the chillier years of the Cold War, has taken such a central role in 21st Century civilian society, culture and business that few pause any longer to appreciate its wonders — except perhaps, as in the past few weeks, when it becomes even more central to our lives. “Resiliency and redundancy are very much a part of the Internet design,” explained Internet pioneer Vinton Cerf, whose passi