Telecommunications Policy

Equitable access to satellite broadband services: Challenges and opportunities for developing countries

Universal and meaningful digital connectivity (UMC) is crucial in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in 2015. Recently, its importance as a public utility was verified when the countries that have achieved digital transformation have been more adept at tackling the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic than those on the other side of the digital divide. This article aims to contribute to the discussion on the global governance of mega satellite constellations as part of global Internet infrastructure.

Broadband, rural contexts and local economic dynamics

This research explores the relationship between broadband availability and quality and entrepreneurship in rural regions in three states. It investigates the unique properties of rural locations as they may bear on connectivity's associations with various types of entrepreneurial endeavors.

Evolved spectrum usage rights: A catalyst for liberal spectrum management reform

Radio spectrum is critically important to the functioning of modern society but is a scarce resource in great demand. Ideally, it should be allocated to the most valuable uses in a country and used as intensively as possible. Yet, we are far from this, with spectrum use entrenched for decades and much of spectrum unused for much of the time.

Creating value from 5G: The challenge for mobile operators

Through its superior technical characteristics compared to previous generations of mobile technologies, 5G supports the development of innovative services and products across the whole economy. As a consequence, the potential impact of 5G is frequently described as being significant, with estimates of $1 trillion or more being added to global GDP by the end of the decade being common. For mobile operators, 5G provides an opportunity to generate new sources of revenue.

Network slicing and net neutrality

Whether network slicing complies with the net neutrality rules currently in force in Europe and previously applicable in the U.S. presents a key issue in the deployment of 5G. In many ways, both regimes frame the issues in a similar manner, with the exceptions for reasonable traffic management and specialised services likely to play the most important roles.