Chamber of Commerce

Data Reveals Landline Phone Decline Statistics

Are we witnessing the final days of the landline phone in the United States? It's possible. But in some regions and across key demographics, landlines persist. The question is: Who’s still “jumping on the horn”? To get to the bottom of this question, we analyzed trends in phone usage by adults aged 18 and over. Our analysis takes a closer look at the percentage of adults living in wireless-only (cell or mobile phone) households, those living with landline phones, and those without phones (phoneless). Key highlights of our analysis include:

Chamber of Commerce sues Federal Communications Commission Over Broadband Rule

The Chamber of Commerce, the Texas Association of Business, and the Longview Chamber of Commerce filed a lawsuit against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit over the Commission’s recent rulemaking that gives itself sweeping authority over the broadband marketplace.