
US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit Outlines Net Neutrality Argument Logistics

The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit has released a detailed guide to its network neutrality oral argument scheduled for 9:30am on Feb 1. The Court live streams audio of all oral arguments, except when classified or sealed matters must be discussed. A link will be provided on the court internet site home page. Audio recordings of the oral arguments will be available by 2:00pm on Feb 1. 

NCTA: Government Spectrum Strategy Should be Balanced

In comments to the National Telecommunications & Information Administration, NCTA-The Internet & Television Association said the Trump Administration's National Spectrum Strategy should recognize that Wi-Fi is the primary delivery mechanism for broadband and promote additional unlicensed spectrum and critical to any spectrum strategy.

Journalists Press for Shield Law

The National Association of Broadcasters has joined with other groups in the News Media for Open Government (NMOG) coalition to press the new Congress to better protect journalists, including the long-sought federal shield law that has been introduced in numerous Congresses over the past couple of decades.

Witness at AG Nominee Barr Confirmation Hearing: Independent FCC, FTC Would be Unconstitutional Under Barr Theory

In day two of Attorney General Nominee William Barr's confrimation hearing, Georgia State law professor Nail Kinkopf told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the independence of federal agencies including the Federal Communications Commission are at risk under Barr's theory of executive power. Kinkopf did not sugar coat his criticism of a lengthy 2018 memo on that legal issue that Barr penned, a memo Democratic lawmakers have pointed to as troubling since it argued the President's "interactions" with FBI director James Comey did not constitute obstruction of Justice.