Winners and losers in Aereo decision

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[Commentary] Fans of streaming prime-time network TV live will have to wait a bit longer. In a 6-3 decision, the US Supreme Court ruled that Aereo, a start-up backed by media mogul Barry Diller, violated the copyrighted work of major TV networks by streaming their content to paid subscribers. Who are the winners? Primarily, the major TV network owners -- Disney, CBS, Comcast and 21st Century Fox -- that have argued in court that Aereo is stealing their content. They also have plans to stream TV over the Internet and don't want to see start-up technology companies get in the way. Pay-TV providers are also breathing a sigh of relief. Aereo would have given consumers one more reason to "cut the cord" by getting rid of cable. Who loses the most? Obviously, those associated with Aereo, including employees and primary investor Diller. But consumers are also complaining loudly on Twitter and other social media channels, as they saw Aereo as a David charging up the hill against the Goliaths of the pay-TV business.

Winners and losers in Aereo decision