We have to close the digital divide. That means internet access for everyone

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People of color and low-income communities have been disproportionately harmed by both the COVID-19 virus and the economic recession. It will be hard to ultimately "Build Back Better" unless we first address the racial and economic impact of the digital divide. Digital inequity has left vulnerable communities dependent on their data-limited mobile devices and parking lot Wi-Fi as the only methods for accessing distance learning, telework and telehealth services. Our shared future will, by necessity, be connected. If we do not adequately address all sides of the digital divide -- equitable deployment of broadband infrastructure, affordable connectivity, digital readiness training and access to connected devices -- we will undoubtedly fail the American people. Now is the time to build an equitable broadband future for all.

[Derrick Johnson is president and CEO of the NAACP. Geoffrey Starks is a commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission]

We have to close the digital divide. That means internet access for everyone