SC Digital Opportunity Department Submits Digital Equity Plan

On February 12, 2024, the Digital Opportunity Department (DOD) of the South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff submitted its Digital Equity Plan to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). This five-year Plan is designed to help bridge the digital divide through enhanced broadband adoption and use. Its goals are to enhance the following:

  • Broadband availability and affordability
  • Online accessibility and inclusivity
  • Digital literacy
  • Online privacy and cybersecurity
  • Device availability and affordability

The Plan will create opportunities for groups that the NTIA has defined as covered populations. These groups include low-income individuals, aging individuals, racial/ethnic minorities, rural residents, veterans, individuals with disabilities, individuals with language barriers, and incarcerated (or formerly incarcerated) individuals. The DOD’s vision for digital equity in South Carolina is that all South Carolinians have access to affordable, reliable, high-speed internet and gain the necessary skills to benefit from this technology.

SC Digital Opportunity Department Submits Digital Equity Plan