Press Sec Sanders cites ‘real facts’ to show media ‘hostility’ toward President Trump

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White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders doesn’t like the media’s tone these days. “I’ve never been attacked more, questioned more. I was called a liar by a major network in an official statement, I’ve been called outrageous things on air, and it goes unquestioned, no pushback,” said Sanders. “I do think that there is a greater sense of hostility that I’ve seen in this administration than in previous, and I think that you see that reflected in the numbers, in the coverage,” said Sanders, who cited a study showing that 93 percent of the coverage was negative and 7 percent positive.

Indeed, studies have shown overwhelmingly negative coverage of President Donald Trump in the mainstream media. “If you compare that to the first nine months of the the Obama administration, it was 40-60, so for people to pretend like there isn’t a greater sense of hostility toward this administration, I think, would be to ignore real facts.”

Press Sec Sanders cites ‘real facts’ to show media ‘hostility’ toward President Trump