HR 3676, Prohibiting In-Flight Voice Communications on Mobile Wireless Devices Act of 2013

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As ordered reported by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on February 11, 2014, HR 3676 would direct the Secretary of Transportation to issue regulations that prohibit air passengers from talking on cellular phones during domestic flights. The prohibition would not apply to members of the flight crew, flight attendants, or federal law enforcement agents who are on duty.

Based on information from the Department of Transportation, The Congressional Budget Office expects that promulgating the proposed regulations would cost less than $500,000, assuming the availability of appropriated funds. HR 3676 would impose a private-sector mandate by prohibiting airline passengers from talking on cellular phones during a domestic flight.

The Federal Communications Commission recently issued a proposed rule that would allow airlines to permit passengers to use cellular phones during a flight. If the FCC adopts the rule, the bill would impose a mandate by prohibiting passengers from engaging in all voice calls during a flight; if the FCC does not adopt the rule, only the prohibition on voice calls over an in-flight Internet service would constitute a mandate. The Department of Transportation (DOT) has issued a notice that it is also considering a ban on all in-flight voice calls by passengers as an unfair practice to consumers.

[March 7]

HR 3676, Prohibiting In-Flight Voice Communications on Mobile Wireless Devices Act of 2013