Expanded internet access in Pennsylvania expected under new broadband authority

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Pennsylvania stands to gain at least $100 million to improve broadband access from the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority, established in December 2021, will help coordinate the expansion of high-speed internet access throughout the state, by managing the influx of federal funds to support the construction of new towers, lines and broadband equipment. Bill Johnston-Walsh, Pennsylvania state director for AARP, said expanding internet access across the state is critical as it helps older adults better access medical care and contact family during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sheri Collins, executive director of corporate relations for the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, said increasing internet bandwidth could help students who struggled to connect to virtual class during the pandemic. Collins noted the department is currently working on identifying state lawmakers to serve on the Broadband Development Authority. From there, the team will begin to pinpoint regions in the state most in need of infrastructure for high-speed internet access.

Expanded internet access in PA expected under new broadband authority