FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel

FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel Responds to Members of Congress Regarding the Commission’s Efforts to Develop an Iterative National Broadband Map

Since the passage of the Broadband DATA Act, the Federal Communications Commission has worked carefully to implement the requirements of the law and to begin the iterative data collection and challenge processes envisioned by the Act through the creation of its Broadband Data Collection program. As required by the Broadband DATA Act, the FCC has built an entirely new data-collection system for ingesting, validating, and aggregating both provider data for download and publication on the National Broadband Map. To do so, the Broadband DATA Act required the Commission to develop the Broadband

Chairwoman Rosenworcel's Update to Members of Congress Regarding the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program

In the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act (the Act), Congress directed the Federal Communications Commission to establish the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program to advance our national security by supporting the removal, replacement, and disposal of communications equipment and services produced or provided by Huawei Technologies Company or ZTE Corporation from our nation’s communications networks.

May 2023 Open Meeting Agenda

The Federal Communications Commission’s May open meeting will be headlined by a pair of spectrum policy changes to both pave the way for future wireless technologies and also unlock new wireless services right now. Here’s everything we have lined up for our May open meeting:

Chairwoman Rosenworcel Remarks to National Science Foundation '6G: Open and Resilient By Design'

We are gathered at this summit because someday soon someone will make the very first 6G connection. And we need to prepare now for the wireless world it will bring. Much like in the early days of 5G, the scrum for 6G is already intensifying.

Chairwoman Rosenworcel's Response to Members of Congress Regarding the Alternative Connect America Model

The Federal Communications Commission is working to ensure that all areas of the United States can access high-speed, high-quality broadband, through a revision of the Alternative Connect America Model (A-CAM) program. The program is meant to provide additional universal service support to certain rural carriers in exchange for increasing deployment to more locations at higher speeds.

FCC Leadership Renews Call to Restore Spectrum Auction Authority

On April 18, 2023, Federal Communications Commission leadership wrote to Congressional leadership to restore the Commission's spectrum action authority. The FCC's auction authority expired for the first time in the program’s 30-year history on March 9, 2023.

Chairwoman Rosenworcel's Response to Senator Baldwin Regarding Pole Attachments

I agree that the Federal Communications Commission should be doing everything it can to speed the deployment of broadband to all areas of the country and that ensuring there is a transparent, fair, and fast pole attachment process that considers the needs of pole owners and attachers is a key part of that effort.

FCC Chairwoman Renews Call for 911 Telecommunicator Reclassification

In 2022, in recognition of National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, I wrote to share my thoughts on the importance of the dedicated professionals who respond to calls to our nationwide emergency number—911. This year, as we mark National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, I am again writing to reiterate my support for the reclassification of public safety telecommunicators as first responders. As I noted last year, 911 operators are among our most essential first responders.

FCC Chairwoman Letter to CDC Director on Maternal Health Collaboration

On December 20, 2022, President Joe Biden signed into law the Data Mapping to Save Moms’ Lives Act. This Act directs the Federal Communications Commission to incorporate, in consultation with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), publicly available data on maternal mortality and severe maternal morbidity into its Mapping Broadband Health in America platform by June 18, 2023.

FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s Response to Members of Congress Regarding Telecommunications Networks in the United States

Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel responded to a letter from a group of senators regarding the risks of foreign-managed service providers to US telecommunications networks. In her response, Roenworcel stated that she has made network security a top priority and is working with the Senator to ensure that the US assesses the risks posed by service providers outsourcing the administration of their networks to foreign entities.