The Outline

What does Microsoft want with these rural teens?

Microsoft is targeting public school buses as a part of its initiative to provide rural broadband in 12 states between now and 2022. But as of right now, it’s unclear how the data of these children would be protected. Microsoft declined to comment on the record. The big question is what Microsoft will get in return for providing this broadband access, especially considering the precedent for private companies grabbing, tracking, and storing user data in exchange for public Wi-Fi. 

Influence? In this economy?

[Commentary] While the academic jury is still out on whether a person getting their news from social media makes them any more or less partisan than those who sought out right-wing talk radio or lefty political journals a generation ago, there exists another filter bubble that, while it’s received relatively little public attention, affects the majority of people reading this article: The average producer of online content is far more internet-savvy than the average consumer of online content.  While it’s always been expected that journalists and intellectuals be more knowledgeable about th