FCC Democrats Urge DTV Public Interest Rules

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[SOURCE: Technology Daily, AUTHOR: David Hatch]
FCC Commissioners Michael Copps and Jonathan Adelstein urged their Republican colleagues to adopt new public-interest requirements for digital television broadcasters. "Our signals are crossed when it comes to what broadcasters must do to discharge their public-interest duties in this new digital age," Commissioner Copps said at the agency's monthly public meeting. He complained that the FCC has yet to provide clear guidance to television stations and viewers. Commissioner Copps urged his colleagues to tackle how the digital transition can enhance political discourse, aid citizens with disabilities, generate more locally originated content and foster diverse viewpoints and ownership. The commissioner lamented that it has been nearly seven years since a proceeding on the subject was launched. Without action by the FCC, Commissioner Copps warned, "I really do believe that the digital transition will fall far, far short of its potential." The switchover is set to be finished by Feb. 17, 2009. The regulators made their remarks while praising newly adopted FCC rules that increase educational programming obligations for digital TV broadcasters offering multiple programming streams. The item, which limits the display of Internet addresses during kids' shows and takes other steps to reduce youngsters' exposure to commercialism, was adopted unanimously.

FCC Democrats Urge DTV Public Interest Rules