May 2022

California Bill Would Make New Broadband Networks More Expensive

The state of California is primed to bring 21st-century fiber access at affordable rates to every Californian. All of the recent state and federal efforts will help bring every Californian affordable fiber internet access. But a bill in the California legislature threatens to undo all of that good work. A.B.

Meet Diamond State Networks, an Arkansas Statewide Fiber Network

Thirteen Arkansas electric cooperatives have come together to establish Diamond State Networks, a fiber network that covers more than 64 percent of the state’s land mass. The network was created by interconnecting existing networks operated by the 13 companies. Plans include offering wholesale connectivity on the network to other service providers, as well as further network expansion. Collectively, the companies have invested or plan to invest more than $1.66 billion in fiber network infrastructure, which will serve nearly 600,000 potential customer locations.