Fact Sheet: Spectrum Frontiers Proposal To Identify, Open Up Vast Amounts Of New High-Band Spectrum For Next Generation (5g) Wireless Broadband

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Wheeler circulated rules that, if adopted, would identify and open up the high frequency airwaves known as millimeter wave spectrum. Building on a tried-and-true approach to spectrum policy that enabled the explosion of 4G (LTE), the Chairman’s rules would set in motion the United States’ rapid advancement to next-generation 5G networks and technologies.

The new rules would open up almost 11 GHz of spectrum for flexible use wireless broadband – 3.85 GHz of licensed spectrum and 7 GHz of unlicensed spectrum. If these rules are adopted, the US will be the first country in the world to open high-band spectrum for 5G networks and technologies, creating a runway for US companies to launch the technologies that will harness 5G’s fiber-fast capabilities. The Report & Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking will be voted on July 14th. The next generation of wireless connectivity—the fifth generation, or 5G—is essential to seizing the 21st century opportunities in wireless broadband technologies. High-band millimeter wave spectrum is key to unlocking the potential for 5G. The US is leading the world with today’s action taking the steps toward making new 5G spectrum available.

Fact Sheet: Spectrum Frontiers Proposal To Identify, Open Up Vast Amounts Of New High-Band Spectrum For Next Generation (5g) Wireless Broadband